Meet Gabriel Hubert from Teleportd – the kickass photo search app Scoble calls “mindblowing”

Working for LeWeb, I realize I haven’t had a second to dedicate to my blog.. BUT I have been able to meet a number of amazing entrepreneurs that I want everyone and their brother to know (maybe their sister).

For LeWeb ’11 (if you haven’t heard of it, I find it hard to believe that you follow me on Twitter ;D), Silicon Valley Bank and Lepe Partners invited a few entrepreneurs to network and get the most out of the event. One of the funniest? Gabriel Hubert who submitted this video to get a ticket:

I had coffee with him yesterday and found out more about what his company, Teleportd, ACTUALLY does!

If you love to travel and always dreamed of teleporting (who hasn’t, really) – -this app is for you.

In a nutshell, it’s the “mind-blowing” photo app (dixit Robert Scoble) that pulls together public, geo-localized photos regardless of what photo app you used. Say, for example, you’re addicted to Instagram like it’s sugar-coated crack. That’s fine. But now you can see all of the photos people are taking around the White House whether they’re also addicted or whether they prefer Foursquare, Lockerz, or any of the other 13 services they pull photos in from in real time.

Agencies, media, and brands can all find something interesting here…

Check it out:

Gabriel is on Twitter as well as his co-founder, Stan.

Give Teleportd a try  – – it’s on the App Store – -and TODAY they will be pulling in photos from Loopcam, an app that let’s you create your own GIFs. Yes. GIFs!!!!!!! It’s…addicting to say the least

4 responses to “Meet Gabriel Hubert from Teleportd – the kickass photo search app Scoble calls “mindblowing”

  1. Hey Michelle, looks like your camera was on acid ! Including close-ups on a trench-coated Gabriel, it really give the right atmosphere for an app called teleportd #TheInvaders

    • I try 😉 I agree, though, I realized I should have used a tripod and even YouTube’s “stabilize” couldn’t help me 100%!! You live you learn 🙂

  2. Hi Michelle. Just saw an ad for google chrome on ABC on this new years eve that included a one second extract of your scooter in Paris clip. Very very short but someone at google must be following your youtube channel
    Cheers and Happy New Year

  3. Et, il est beaugosse to boot! Hey, Mich, just curious, but what is your educational/work background? I ask, because I’ve been wondering how to get into the tech industry, because I’ve realized that I kinda love it. However, my background is liberal arts major (French, obvi) with a dash of culinary (seriously, no pun intended).

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